HPMG Shares & Security PVT Ltd provides a seamless online real-time platform to trade in stocks. You can buy or sell shares on both the NSE and BSE.

Trading in equities involves more than stock trading. Equity trading in the stock markets can involve many different securities, requiring diverse strategies and trading skills. Equities may be traded for short-term and long-term profits.

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Exchange Traded Funds - Gold ETF

Intraday Limits
Off Market Orders
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme

Multiple Trading Platforms :
Name Mode Type
Online Trading Platform
Trade on Mobile
Application for Mobile Trading
Call N Trade
Place Orders over Phone
Branch Dealer Desk
Place Orders over Phone
Incase Of Any Discrepancy/Issue in placing any order please call your Relationship Mangar Or Call -N -Trade desk on 022 - 40442626

ASBA TICKER :- "No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account."

KYC TICKER :- "KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary."

Attention Investors :Prevent Unauthorized transactions in your Trading and or demat account, Update your Mobile/Email-IDs with your Stock Broker/Depository Participant. Receive alerts on your registered mobile/E-mail ID for all debit and other important transactions in your demat account directly from CDSL and information of your transactions directly from Exchange on the same day .......... Issued in the interest of investors
SEBI REG.NO : NSE CASH : INB231300238, NES F&O : INF231300238, BSE CASH : INB011387439, BSE F&O : INF011387439 , CIN No: U67190MH2007PTC176790, GST No : 27AABCH9668R1ZJ
CDSL : IN DP-CDSL-602-2010, DP ID : 12069200